It’s been a few months since I’ve written about things that I’m currently using and loving! I like to write a roundup blog post like this every so often because I like sharing the products, gadgets, etc. that I’m using. This “currently using” roundup is just a mixture of various things that range from hair products to electronics and everything in between. So, let’s just hop into it! I’m currently using and loving these 15 things right now.

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Hair and Body Products I’m Currently Using and Loving

1. Shampoo and Conditioner Bars

Okay, so this isn’t necessarily a new product that I’m using and loving, but the conditioner bars are! I first used Mule Hell Trading Company’s soap bars as a shampoo bar because I wanted to switch to all-natural hair care products and this was the only option they offered at the time.
bar soap

You can read all about my first experience with shampoo bars here.

After several months of using the soap bars, the company came out with actual shampoo and conditioner bars. Now, I love both but the conditioner bars are a serious gamer-changer! I’m obsessed with the conditioner bars and have been using them ever since my first purchase for my hair conditioning needs.

2. Physician’s Formula Bronzer

After finishing up with some cheaper bronzer, I decided to purchase the Physician’s Formula Bronzer that I had seen people mention several times online. It seemed to be working great for them so I gave it a try.

It’s probably one of my favorite bronzers that I’ve tried. Now, I have to admit that I’m definitely not a makeup expert and I use cheaper makeup. So, for me, the Physician’s Formula Bronzer works very well. I may have picked a shade that was a bit too dark for me, however I just use very little and the bronzer goes a long way. Plus, as a maybe weird bonus, it smells amazing! Every time that I use it, I feel like I’m on vacation because it smells like tanning lotion and the beach, ha!

3. Charcoal Face Scrub

I have wanted to try Mule Hell Trading Company’s charcoal face scrub ever since I read that it was featured on BuzzFeed and highly recommended by others who’ve tried it.

It was difficult to go in the actual store because of Covid-19 and the quarantine so I ended up purchasing the face scrub online. It arrived quickly! Now, I have to admit, that I haven’t seen much of a difference in my face and I’ve been using it for about two months now. However, I use it to clean and exfoliate my face while I’m in the shower and it seems to do that job very well.

I don’t have many breakouts or anything like that so I cannot say whether or not the charcoal face scrub helps with that.

4. SoftSheen-Carson Magic Razorless Shaving Cream

I blame TikTok for making me buy this razorless shaving cream.

I was scrolling through TikTok, like I did for most of quarantine, and I discovered a girl using SoftSheen-Carson Magic Razorless Shaving Cream on her legs. She showed how to use and it then revealed whether it worked or not. It did! So of course, I wanted to try it out for myself. My sister and I ordered some from Amazon, tried it out, and honestly, it works pretty well and it only takes about four minutes!

I do want to say that it is trial and error when using the razorless shaving cream. Sometimes it removes hair great but sometimes, probably because I didn’t apply it liberally, it leaves some hair behind.

Overall, it’s something worth trying and I have used it several times on my legs when I don’t feel like trying to shave in a small shower (like I have).

Clothing and Jewelry I’m Currently Using and Loving

5. Biker Shorts

I am so thrilled that longer, biker shorts are back in style. I didn’t know just how much my thick thighs needed them until I put on my first pair. Now I own about three or four pairs of biker shorts and I’m basically living in them this summer!

They are great for any body type really, but especially if you’re like me and like to wear longer shorts to prevent “chub rub”, aka, chafing.

I usually find mine at Ross Dress for Less, Marshall’s, or TJ Maxx, but here’s some options for biker shorts, if you don’t have those stores nearby or prefer online shopping.

6. Dainty Necklace

I’ve really been into small, dainty jewelry lately. For a while, big necklaces and jewelry were “in” but I’m really liking simple now. One of my favorite necklaces I have is similar to this one, but I just purchased one that is gold and simply has a small chain with a slightly thicker bar on it and that’s it. I love it and wear it all the time now. Actually, I found it at my local Goodwill store but it looks similar to these

I wanted something that I can wear with anything and wasn’t too big. It’s especially great for summer because it’s not bulky so you don’t feel like you have too much on that will weigh you down when all you want to feel is cool and comfortable. 

Electronics and Entertainment I’m Currently Using and Loving

7. Record Player

I may have jumped on the bandwagon with wanting a record player but I love how some old things are coming back. I wanted that sound that record players make when playing music, you know, it’s a bit scratchy and raw. Usually, I listen to music on my phone or laptop but it’s nice to change up how we listen to music sometimes.
record player

I actually started collecting old records before I ever had a record player. Then, for Christmas, I received two! This is very similar to the one (well, two) that I have. I was shocked because I hadn’t even asked for one.

I now have a way to listen to my vintage records and it really does change the feel of the music when I listen to it on different devices, especially listening on a record player.

8. iPhone11 Pro

I have to add my new phone on the list. Recently, I switched cellphone providers and upgraded my phone! I was still using an iPhone 6S, if you can believe it. It had been years since I had upgraded my cellphone and the battery was starting to go in mine so it was time for a new one.

I love my new iPhone11 Pro because it’s not so big that it won’t fit in my pocket. The iPhone11 Pro Max was really large and I’m glad that I didn’t end up purchasing that it. There was a learning curve with this new phone though.

First off, not having a home button was frustrating. Second, there is no auxiliary jack. Why? Why did Apple have to take that away? Then there is a lot more swiping and different features to use on the new iPhones. Within a few days though, I had the basics figured out and I love how long the battery life is on the iPhone11 Pro!

Oh, and how could I forget the camera?! It’s amazing and I love the portrait mode. It’s such an upgrade from the iPhone 6S, ha!

9. Wireless Earbuds

I figured it was time to try out the wireless earbuds that everyone is using nowadays. When I looked up how much actual Apple earbuds were though, I was shocked! They were way too expensive for this frugal girl so instead, I headed over to Amazon to see what kind they had. The prices definitely vary but I was pleased to see that most are much cheaper than Apple earbuds.

I put a few into my cart and then saved them for later. Then, recently, I was at Ollies, a bargain outlet store, and found a set of Billboard wireless earbuds for just $7.99! They even looked like the Apple ones. So, I decided to just try them out to see if I even liked using wireless earbuds because up until then, I had always used the earbuds that come with the phone and have wires.

After purchasing the cheaper earbuds at Ollies, I immediately tried them out. I was surprised that they worked well! Now I use them every time I want to listen to listen to something privately. They connect well to my phone and even my Apple TV. However, I have noticed that sometimes the volume doesn’t work well on them and I can’t adjust the volume on the earbuds. Overall though, they are great earbuds for under $10!

10. TikTok

While the whole world was quarantined because of the Coronavirus/ Covid-19 pandemic, I discovered my love for the app, TikTok.

Now, I had had the app on my phone for months and months but I couldn’t figure out how it worked so I just never gave it a chance. Then I saw more and more people using the app and making and sharing fun videos. So, I decided to give it another shot. I ended up figuring out how it worked and then, I became obsessed!

I then convinced my sister to get the TikTok app and I got her obsessed with it too! This helped pass the time during quarantine and we even made a few videos. But then I realized I was spending so much time on TikTok and needed to use my time more wisely.

I still use and love to get on the app to watch all sorts of videos (there’s seriously something on there for everyone) but I’ve had to take a step back. I now limit my time on the app but still enjoy watching a select few TikTokers that I follow.

11. Disney+

Disney+ is another app that I fell in love with in recent months. I grew up watching Disney Channel shows and especially the Original movies so when I found out that Disney+ had most of them on the app, I had to download it!

Since downloading the app, I have had to re-watch Lizzie McGuire and Zenon, Girl of the 21st Century. And of course, my favorite Disney Channel Original Movie, Motocrossed. Not to mention, classic cartoon Disney movies are available on Disney+ as well so I had to go watch some of them again.

They also offer other shows and movies that aren’t Disney. Right now, I’m watching Boy Meets World. I hadn’t seen that show in years! It’s so interesting to go back and watch shows like that years later and see if they are still relatable now. Surprisingly, they are but what’s crazy is that now, I’m relating more to the parents! Talk about feeling old!

Miscellaneous Things I’m Currently Using and Loving

12. Planner

For five years, I’ve had an Erin Condren Life Planner. This paper planner was such a fun and creative outlet for me and I enjoyed decorating and of course planning in it so much. However, I realized after selling the house I lived in and moving back to Virginia, that I just wasn’t using a paper planner as often. Plus, I had little room to spread out and get creative with it.

So, for 2020, I made the decision not to purchase an Erin Condren Life Planner. Instead, I went to the Dollar Tree and bought a small planner there and put into my traveler’s notebook. (If you want know more about traveler’s notebooks, I’ve written all about them in this blog post.) I was loving my planner setup. I soon learned though, that the paper in the planner that I got at the Dollar Tree was too thin and although I tried to continue using it, I eventually stopped.

I was lacking structure though and knew I needed a paper planner so I went onto Amazon and found this planner. It was simple but a great size to write down the few tasks that I needed to do every day. Plus, I was in need of a way to keep up with my blog and the tasks necessary to run it.

I’ve been using and loving this planner ever since it arrived. I can still decorate it much like I did with my Erin Condren Life Planner but I don’t feel like I wasted paper, if I don’t decorate in it for a week or even a month. It been great so far and I like that I am finally getting back on a schedule and getting things done.

13. Macramé Plant Hangers

I may just be following trends, but I am currently using and loving macramé plant hangers. The simple, neutral colored ones that are white, off white, or cream colored are my favorite. I looked on Amazon and found some that I liked but wanted to see some in person as well.

I ended up purchasing a macrame plant hanger from Lowes because it came with an air plant. Then, I went to Homegoods and found so many and they were so affordable! I purchased my two favorite ones but have only used one. The other hanger I purchased is a two-tiered one but it can get quite heavy so I’m still determining where I want to hang it.

14. Pallet Outdoor Furniture

During the spring, my sister and I came up with a plan to make outdoor couches using pallets. The idea came from Pinterest. The ideas for pallet furniture are endless on there! We found pallets for free at a local hardware store and then enlisted the help of her boyfriend to build them. He’s a bit of a perfectionist so we knew they’d be done right.

Our first plan was to simply use the whole pallet and just stack them, put them on casters, and that was it. Then, our plan for the pallet outdoor couches became more elaborate.

My sister’s boyfriend ended up cutting them in two and stacking them three high. Then used half of the pallets for a backrest on the couches. He used metal brackets to hold the pallets together. With the leftover pallet wood, he made an end table with a shelf.
pallet outdoor furniture

We quickly learned that it was not comfortable to sit on the pallets alone and the couch needed cushions. Outdoor cushions can be very expensive but we found some at Ollies and purchased two lounge chair cushions. The cushions we bought however, weren’t long enough so I came up with the idea of making small tables on each end of the couches so the cushions would fit better.
pallet couch

Again, my sister’s boyfriend created the tables that we had envisioned and then the outdoor couches were complete! We all are using the outdoor couches daily and still love them!

15. Furminator Shedding Shampoo and Conditioner

I have two Corgis and they shed so much! I’ve purchased a Furminator brush for them and that is the best brush I have ever used on the Corgis. Even my cat likes to be brushed with it and it works so well on her too!

So, when I saw that PetSmart had the Furminator shampoo and conditioner on sale I grabbed it up quick. I’ve used it twice on the Corgis and even though they still shed (they always will), I can tell that they aren’t shedding quite as much. I am also trying to brush them out more as well and of course, that helps.

The Furminator shampoo and conditioner also makes the Corgis smell so good and feel so soft! Their hair tends to become coarse between baths but after using the shampoo and conditioner, it stays softer for much longer.

Well, that’s all of the things I’m currently using and loving! I know there was a bit of everything in this list but I wanted to share what I use and love in all aspects of my everyday life.

Let me give you a quick recap of the 15 things I’m currently using and loving:

  1. Shampoo/Conditioner Bars
  2. Physician’s Formula Bronzer
  3. Charcoal Face Scrub
  4. Razorless Shaving Cream
  5. Biker Shorts
  6. Dainty Necklace
  7. Record Player
  8. iPhone11 Pro
  9. Wireless Earbuds
  10. TikTok
  11. Disney+
  12. Planner
  13. Macramé Plant Holders
  14. Pallet Outdoor Couches
  15. Furminator Shedding Shampoo and Conditioner

I hope that by me sharing what I’m personally using and loving, you can maybe find some new things to wear, try, or use that you’ll love as well! Oh, and don’t forget to check out my last roundup of favorite things here!

What is something you’ve recently started using and loving? I’d love to hear about it so I can try it out too!

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